Funky Hairstyle & Funky Haircut

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Teenage years are meant to be spent figuring out who you are. A part of that is deciding what you want your appearance to be. Start with your hairstyle. Don’t be afraid of criticism – step out and find a hairstyle that suits you. Borrow styles from celebrities you like. Browse fashion magazines and even ask friends what they think you might look best in.

Funky Hairstyle

For a completely different look, try poodle curls. Curls seem to never go out of fashion and curls allow you to also experiment with colors like bold reds and bright blondes depending on your skin tone. Or you can try spiral curls on long hair, in the fashion of a Goldilocks hairstyle. Be aware, though, that spiral curls require a lot of care.

If you’re unsure of whether or not you want to color your hair permanently, go with a temporary color. And be daring! Try pink and purple for the rockstar image. Try darker colors for the grunge style. Accentuate these choices with body accessories like tattoos or piercings.

You can also choose to go short. When short you can style your hair into spike, puff it into an afro, or leave it messy and uncombed for that wild and unkempt look. 

You may frighten your parents by choosing a retro style that they wore when they were younger. Retro styles are making a come back and can be made into great-looking styles. Add scrunchies or keep a high pony tail during the summer. Use wavy layered hairstyles for evenings out. But make sure to live it up, you’re only a teenager for so long.

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